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  • Low hanging cistern
  • 6 litre flush interruption, can be increased to 9 litres
  • Insulated against condensation
  • Quiet hydraulic float valve
  • 3/8” water connection left, right or center back (use at center back connection art. 1405987116)
  • Other colours on request
  • CE EN 14055 - CL1-6- NL I - VR I

Adjustable flushing water quantity: Yes
Colour: White
Depth: 130 mm
Filling valve noise class: Group I, <=20 dB(A)
Filling valve sound class according to DIN-52 218: Group I, <=20 dB(A)
Flushing: Interruptible
Flushing water quantity: 6 to 9 l
Height: 431 mm
KIWA certified: Yes
Material flushing reservoir: Plastic
Material quality: Other
Max. flushing water quantity: 9 l
Min. flushing water quantity: 6 l
Operation: Push button
Outer pipe diameter reservoir side flushing bend: 50 mm
Outer pipe diameter tap water: 10 mm
Reservoir position: Low
Reservoir type: WISA 1000 and WISA 1040
Series: 1000
Size of tap water connection: 3/8 inch
Sound class according to EN ISO 3822: Group I, <=20 dB(A)
Suitable for close coupled toilet: No
Suitable for electrical operation: No
Suitable for manual operation: Yes
Suitable for pneumatic operation: No
Tap water connection: External thread
Warranty: 10 years
Water connection, bottom: No
Water connection, left: Yes
Water connection, rear: Yes
Water connection, right: Yes
Water connection, top: No
Width: 453 mm
With anti-condensation insulation: Yes
With flushing bend: Yes
With stop valve: No

Product number:DescriptionImage
8035432783Universal hydraulic float valve 3/8
8050800507Flush valve with rubber gasket, cisterns Crystal, W 600/1000/1040, AP 270
1411988440Flush valve rubber gasket 28 x 65 x 3 mm, black
8050390037Bag of rubber gaskets for flush valve 28 x 65 x 3 (5 pc.)
8050882450Flushing cistern outlet seal
8050390025Bag of gaskets for flush pipe (5 pc.)
8050800078Holder (screw and insert) with flush pipe gasket
8050410801Cistern cover with a function button, cistern AP270, Crystal, W1000/1070, white
8050410803Cistern cover with a function button, beige
8050410814Cistern cover with a function button, pergamon
8050410810Cistern cover with a function button, manhattan
8050883557Cover and push button white with cover lock WISA 1000
8050883652Bridge, cisterns W1000, AP270, Crystal
8050882382Rosette, white
8050886394Closing cap, beige
8050886397Closing cap, pergamon
8050886379Closing cap, manhattan
8050883750Closing cap, cisterns W600/W1000, AP270, Crystal/Crystal Duo, white
8050883752Closing cap, beige
8050883757Closing cap, pergamon
8050883769Closing cap, manhattan
8050882430Flush pipe rosette, white
8050390002Bag of nuts for flush pipe white (5 pc.)
8050882432Nut for flush pipe, beige
8050882227Nut for flush pipe, pergamon
8050882224Nut for flush pipe, manhattan
8050110101Flush pipe elbow, 230 x 210 mm, white
8050110114Flush pipe elbow, 230 x 210 mm, pergamon
8050985530WC Flush pipe connector seal No. 101
8050390093WC flush pipe connector seals (5 pcs)
1403987112Angle valve G 1/2
1405987118Copper connection pipe
8050883620Spacer, cisterns W1000, AP270, Crystal/Crystal Duo, white
8050883622Fixation ring, beige
8050883627Fixation ring, pergamon